This coming week I’m heading down to southern Ontario for the quarterly meeting of our district executive committee. Serving on this committee has given me a great opportunity to learn from a hugely diverse group of people. It has stretched my leadership and taught me a lot about how to have positive influence in an organization (and how not to). It also gives me the opportunity to get away from the business of Redwood for a few days and connect to some important people in my life.
This week I’m going to get to spend a day with my Dad and my sister Pam who is visiting from NY. Can’t wait to see them!
Before that though, I get to connect with a guy who has been a great friend and a better mentor for the last 10 years. As a young pastor, Dave taught me about consistency, and service, and about what a life devoted to God can look like. He willingly shared with me the things his life has taught him and provided an essential perspective when, in my youth, my sight was limited. There were a lot of times when we weren’t “on the same page”, but Dave made sure I always knew that we were on the same team.
I read somewhere that
Loyalty publicly = leverage privately!
I’m so thankful for loyal friends and counsellors. They’re your loudest supporters in public, and your most honest coaches on the golf course – and I’ve been neglecting my swing, so i’m in for a long round.
Check out this great video from Jo Saxton and the folks at The Verge Network. To be the kind of person we were created to be takes more than just talk, it takes an investment of time with some key people God places in our lives. Are you willing to be that kind of person in someone else’s life?
Who are the people who have impacted you the most?