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Articles & Ideas.
“The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life that is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.”
~ Henry David Thoreau'

Darryl Buckle
2 min read
Running Down a Dream
I love running books because there’s something about a good story that makes me believe in the possibility of something which others view...

Darryl Buckle
2 min read
Pay now or pay later
My dad, famous for dishing out pithy sayings as part of his parental responsibilities, used to look at me when I’d do something stupid or...

Darryl Buckle
1 min read
A fresh start
I discovered that somewhere in the process of updating the skin of my web presence, all of the links to blog posts that I have created...

Darryl Buckle
1 min read
Reviewing the Trends for 2018
A number of years ago my friend Rich told me how he often searches Google trends to find out what questions people are actually asking,...

Darryl Buckle
2 min read
Do The Daily
I read a post recently by Ed Stetzer on research that states that “less than 20% of churchgoers read the Bible daily”. I feel like I talk...

Darryl Buckle
1 min read
The power of a shared experience
In 2007 I stumbled on a marketing book called Experience the Message about what the author called experiential marketing. The premise is...

Darryl Buckle
1 min read
Why You Should Change Your Thinking About Conflict
A friend on Facebook posted this great TED talk today. Whether it’s in life, or relationships, or on the organizations that we are a part...

Darryl Buckle
3 min read
Why Your Blind Spot is Bigger Than You Think.
You’ve got blind spots! Places you’re blind! There are things going on around you that you just plain can’t see! Take for instance the...

Darryl Buckle
3 min read
The Tongue-tied Guide to Perfect Prayer (for the not so super spiritual)
This week I realized for the first time that any time I post something on Prayer, all sorts of people ‘like’ and ‘share’ and ‘comment’...

Darryl Buckle
2 min read
Stalking Horse
I came across an idiom recently that I had never heard before. A Stalking Horse: It’s a hunting thing – You’re a hunter. You all...

Darryl Buckle
2 min read
Leaders create chaos
Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and...

Darryl Buckle
2 min read
How you are amazing? Let me count the ways!
When I see the Ten Most Wanted Lists… I always have this thought: If we’d made them feel wanted earlier, they wouldn’t be wanted...

Darryl Buckle
3 min read
The Before Pic
I went to the gym yesterday. Fought through crowds of the newly resolved, put in a few miles on the treadmill and headed back to the...

Darryl Buckle
2 min read
Every year at this time I sit at home and wrestle with whether to go to the gym or not. Don’t misunderstand what i’m saying. I’m not...

Darryl Buckle
3 min read
Dinner Theatre 2014
Every year at Redwood we invite our community to join us for Dinner and a theatre production designed to help people kick off their...

Darryl Buckle
1 min read
Richard Branson Is Right: Time Is the New Money |
Richard Branson, a man known for lavish spending just announce that he’s giving Virgin employees unlimited vacation. The Industrial Age...
Darryl Buckle
1 min read
Just one scene…
Don’t treat any single scene as if it were the whole movie. Keep writing the script. Respond to your current senior away. that gets you...

Darryl Buckle
2 min read
How to focus your teaching for impact.
As the pastor of a church, I am constantly thinking about how to communicate in a way that actually helps people live the kind of lives...

Darryl Buckle
1 min read
What does it really take to succeed?
What’s the single greatest level of achievement that you can imagine? I’m not talking about Rock Star or Astronaut kind of stuff – unless...

Darryl Buckle
1 min read
80% Of Companies Don’t Care About Company Culture–Do You?
See on – Leadership Art and Science I’ve heard it said that Culture > Strategy. What do you think? And how can we build or...
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